
The Center for Design at the UVA School of Architecture launches Climate Futures—a design research challenge that invites teams of students, staff, faculty, state and local government and community partners, and alumni to address climate justice issues.
Transdisciplinary teams who have established work or are interested in starting a new design research project, that focuses on climate justice, can submit proposals by May 1, 2023, to be eligible to receive a $25K grant.
Project teams are to be made up of a combination of faculty from the UVA School of Architecture, faculty from outside of the School of Architecture or UVA, up to two School of Architecture students, UVA alumni, and members from a non-academic entity with expertise in the project focus area. A project team should include 6-8 individuals and be comprised of a transdisciplinary team.

Climate justice acknowledges that climate change can have differing social, economic, public health and other adverse impacts on underprivileged populations. Global concerns tied to climate justice/injustice include (but are not limited to): migration, transportation, health, food security, civil rights, emergency planning and response, clean energy, flood and coastal mitigation, extreme weather events, environmental policy, climate refugees, safe work/home/play/learning environments, environmental hazards, and data sovereignty.

Transdisciplinary refers to different types of knowledge production for social change which are based not only on the integration of knowledge from different disciplines (interdisciplinary), but also on the inclusion of values, knowledge, and expertise from non-academic sources.

Teams are invited to submit an application package that includes a narrative statement of the design research project with a clear focus on climate justice, projected outcomes, a budget, and summary of each team’s members contribution to the project. Applications will be reviewed for quality, clarity, focus and capacity for positive short and longer-term public impact, as well as potential for achieving outside funding to support the continuation of the project.

Open to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, community partners, and non-academic affiliations.
Project Team Makeup
Project teams are to be made up of a combination of faculty from the UVA School of Architecture, faculty from outside of the School of Architecture or UVA, up to two School of Architecture students, UVA alumni, and members from a non-academic entity with expertise in the project focus area. A project team should include 6-8 individuals and be comprised of a transdisciplinary team.
Design Research Project
• A project can be a new design research idea or an existing endeavor.
• A project can expand current project(s) or be used as a source of funding to continue a project that has been previously funded.
Awarding Criteria
• Quality, clarity and focus of research proposal in relation to climate justice, broadly interpreted
• Clarity of argument for, and definition of, the transdisciplinary makeup of the team
• Potential for substantial progress toward measurable impact— this may be in the form of proof-of-concept research, publication, applied design projects, exhibitions, competitions, policy, workshops, or programs.
• Potential for achieving outside funding to support continuation of the work
Applications Materials
• Narrative statement including: Project description; Research plans including projected outcome and long-term goals; Brief description of the transdisciplinary makeup of the team
• Projected budget (If total budget for project exceeds grant limits, specify the portions specific to the grant)
• Any other sources of support for this project/research
• Short CV of each team member
Selection Process
• The applications will be reviewed by a panel of faculty, students, alumni, and community partners.
• The review committee will make a recommendation to the Dean and the Center for Design Director who will make the final selections.
Project Timeline and Reporting Responsibility
• Climate Futures Design Research Challenge Announced: Monday, March 27, 2023
• Proposal Submissions Due: Monday, May 1, 2023
• Review of Proposals: Monday, May 1 to Friday, May 19
• Awards Announced of Three Grants of $25K each: Monday, May 22, 2023
• Project Development Period: Monday, May 22, 2023 to Monday, May 20, 2024
• Project Development Status Report/Check-ins: Monday, September 25, 2023 and Monday February 26, 2024
• Project Due: Monday, May 20, 2024
• Project Final Submission and Proposed Next Steps: By Monday, December 23, 2024
• Project Presentation and Q+A: January 2025
Proposal Submission
Application materials should be submitted electronically as a single compiled PDF document and should be no longer than three pages (team member CVs are not included in this page limit).
Applications were due May 1, 2023 — the application cycle is now closed.
The Climate Futures Design Research Challenge is made possible by the The Urgent Action Fund and The Endowment for our Public Mission—both established by the Class of 1972 in honor of their 50th Reunion. It is co-supported by the School of Architecture's Office of the Dean.